I regularly collaborate on animation projects with motion graphics artist Aaron Ross. These animations tend to have an ecological focus and incoporate a range of styles, including illustration, stop motion and collage.
Our clients include WWF, Great Irish Grasslands, Farming for Nature, Irish Parks and Wildlife Services, National Rural Network, Natural Capital Ireland, Capitals Coalition, Department of Agriculture and An Forúm Uisce.
Semi-Natural Grasslands
In 2023 we were commissioned for a video to spotlight some of the wide variety of native species found in our semi-natural grasslands and what we can do to protect these habitats. Great Irish Grasslands is a project led by a group of scientists and enthusiasts who are dedicated to sharing information about semi-natural grasslands, a national treasure which is often hidden in plain sight.
Why Soil Matters
Together with Farming for Nature, we produced a short animation aimed at Irish farmers with tips on how to improve the fertility of their soil using ecological farming methods, and working with the life present on their land.
​Farming for Nature seeks to acknowledge and support farmers who farm, or wish to farm, in a way that will improve the natural values of the countryside.
Culture and Heritage of Irish Peatlands
Biodiversity of Irish Peatlands
Irish Peatlands Series
In 2021 and 2022 we worked with the Irish Parks and Wildlife Services for the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage to deliver a three part animation series on Irish peatlands. These videos highlight the part Irish bogs play in the fight against climate change, the biodiversity that Irish peatlands nourish and the culture and heritage our bogs have cultivated.
Irish Peatlands and Climate Change
WWF Untangled: Planet Plastic
One of the animations we have produced for the WWF Untangled series which aims to break down environmental issues and make them more accessible. We created the blueprint for this animation series in collaboration with WWF UK, which is now adopted by other branches of WWF worldwide.
Capitals Coalition
In 2022 we worked with Capitals Coalition creating a pair of animations. The first is a collage-based animation giving an overview of the Coalition and what they do. We felt a pared-back, simplified design would effectively communicate the content of the script. The second is an illustrated animation going into more detail on the Capitals Approach. The two contrasting styles maintain a similar colour palette, showing that they are two parts of the same story.
Natural Capital Ireland
Videos on natural capital for Natural Capital Ireland, our first joint animation client. Our process begins with storyboarding the animations, at which point the client has a lot of say over the direction and content of the videos. Our animations require consistent research throughout the process - of particular animals, ecosystems, processes and theory.